In the bustling city of Nairobi, Kenya, a young woman named Mitchelle Njoroge embarked on a journey fueled by passion and purpose. With a keen eye for innovation and a deep-seated desire to empower women, Mitchelle set out to revolutionize the world of menstrual health. Thus, Virtuous was born in 2023, a beacon of hope and a symbol of inclusivity in the realm of Intimates.
Driven by a mission to cater to the needs of modern women seeking comfort, performance, and style, Virtuous quickly became synonymous with cutting-edge design and uncompromising quality. From the outset, Mitchelle envisioned a brand that would not only provide leak-proof protection during menstruation but also celebrate the beauty of diversity and promote body positivity.
At Virtuous, every stitch tells a story of empowerment and every fabric choice is a testament to sustainability. From period underwear crafted with performance fabrics to waterproof bags designed with thoughtful precision, each product is a reflection of our commitment to excellence and our dedication to the environment.
But Virtuous is more than just a brand—it's a movement. Through our e-commerce platform, we've created a space where women can shop with confidence and convenience, free from the confines of traditional retail. And beyond the confines of commerce, we're on a mission to shatter taboos surrounding menstruation and foster open, honest conversations about women's health.
As the sun sets on each day, we at Virtuous are reminded of the impact we're making in the lives of women around the world. With every purchase, every conversation, and every moment of empowerment, we're one step closer to realizing our vision of a world where all women feel seen, heard, and celebrated. And as we continue on this journey, guided by our values of innovation, inclusivity, and sustainability, we invite you to join us in rewriting the narrative of intimate apparel—one virtuous choice at a time.
Our Team
Welcome to our Team section, where creativity and passion come together to bring every story to life. Our team is the heart of Virtuous Life, embodying a culture rooted in collaboration, purpose, and innovation. With a shared commitment to our mission, each member brings unique skills and perspectives, transforming ideas into impactful narratives. Get to know the people who make it all happen — their dedication and drive are what turn visions into reality.
Valerie Ogoyi
Social Media Content Creator
Joy Kibet
Social Media Content Creator